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Sermons From The Psalms

Save for a few special pearls, the Hebrew psalms are a rather obscure treasure in the midst of the Old Testament. Solace, however, is found beyond the 23rd, direction to the penitent is heard outside the 51st, and exercises in perseverance can be discovered in outposts other than the 119th. This series ran from December 31, 1995 through June 22, 2008 and includes one sermon on every psalm, complete with textual exegesis and practical applications.

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Table of Contents

  • Psalm 1: The Leaf That Withers Not
  • Psalm 2: Triumph of the Anointed
  • Psalm 3: The Lord is My Shield
  • Psalm 4: Gladness in My Heart
  • Psalm 5: The Voice of My Cry
  • Psalm 6: Troubled Bones
  • Psalm 7: My Defense is of God
  • Psalm 8: Out of the Mouths of Babes
  • Psalm 9: Turned into Sheol
  • Psalm 10: God Is In None of His Thoughts
  • Psalm 11: If The Foundations Are Destroyed
  • Psalm 12: Who is Lord Over Us?
  • Psalm 13: How Long, O Lord?
  • Psalm 14: The Fool Has Said in His Heart, There is No God
  • Psalm 15: Abiding In The Lord’s House
  • Psalm 16: Preserve Me, O God
  • Psalm 17: Hear A Just Cause
  • Psalm 18: I Will Love You, O Lord
  • Psalm 19: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
  • Psalm 20: God Save The King
  • Psalm 21: An Answered Prayer
  • Psalm 22: My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
  • Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
  • Psalm 24: The Earth is the Lord’s
  • Psalm 25: Waiting On The Lord
  • Psalm 26: Vindicate Me, O Lord
  • Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light and Salvation
  • Psalm 28: O Lord, My Rock
  • Psalm 29: Give Unto The Lord (Modern Idolatry)
  • Psalm 30: I Will Extol You, O Lord
  • Psalm 31: My Rock of Refuge
  • Psalm 32: Blessed Is The Man Whose Transgression Is Forgiven
  • Psalm 33: Rejoice in the Lord
  • Psalm 34: Taste And See That The Lord is Good
  • Psalm 35: Plead My Cause
  • Psalm 36: An Oracle Within My Heart
  • Psalm 37: Do Not Fret
  • Psalm 38: Iniquities Over My Head
  • Psalm 39: I Will Guard My Ways
  • Psalm 40: I Waited Patiently
  • Psalm 41: Friends and Neighbors
  • Psalm 42: As The Deer Pants
  • Psalm 43: Vindicate Me
  • Psalm 44: In Days of Old
  • Psalm 45: Ivory Palaces
  • Psalm 46: God Is Our Refuge
  • Psalm 47: God Is Awesome
  • Psalm 48: Great Is The Lord
  • Psalm 49: What Money Can’t Buy
  • Psalm 50: God Has Spoken
  • Psalm 51: My Sin Is Ever Before Me
  • Psalm 52: Why Do You Boast in Evil?
  • Psalm 53: The Fool Has Said in His Heart, “There Is No God”
  • Psalm 54: Save Me By Your Name
  • Psalm 55: Give Ear To My Prayer
  • Psalm 56: The Silent Dove in Distant Lands
  • Psalm 57: Refuge in the Shadow of God’s Wings
  • Psalm 58: Surely There Is A Reward
  • Psalm 59: Deliver Me
  • Psalm 60: Restore Us Again
  • Psalm 61: Hear My Cry, O God
  • Psalm 62: My Soul, Wait Silently
  • Psalm 63: O God, You Are My God
  • Psalm 64: No Fear
  • Psalm 65: Praise Awaits
  • Psalm 66: Make A Joyful Shout
  • Psalm 67: Let The Nations Be Glad
  • Psalm 68: Let God Arise
  • Psalm 69: Save Me, O God!
  • Psalm 70: Make Haste, O God!
  • Psalm 71: In You, I Put My Trust
  • Psalm 72: Give The King Your Judgments
  • Psalm 73: Truly God Is Good
  • Psalm 74: Why Have You Cast Us Off Forever?
  • Psalm 75: We Give Thanks
  • Psalm 76: God Is Known
  • Psalm 77: I Cried Out
  • Psalm 78: Give Ear To My Law
  • Psalm 79: O God The Nations Have Come
  • Psalm 80: Restore Us, O God
  • Psalm 81: Sing Aloud to God Our Strength
  • Psalm 82: God Stands In The Congregation
  • Psalm 83: Do Not Keep Silent, O God
  • Psalm 84: How Lovely Is Your Tabernacle
  • Psalm 85: Revive Us Again
  • Psalm 86: Teach Me Your Way
  • Psalm 87: His Foundation Is In the Holy Mountains
  • Psalm 88: Incline Your Ear To My Cry
  • Psalm 89: How Long Lord?
  • Psalm 90: Teach Us to Number Our Days
  • Psalm 91: In God We Trust
  • Psalm 92: He Is My Rock
  • Psalm 93: The Lord Reigns
  • Psalm 94: To Whom Vengeance Belongs
  • Psalm 95: Oh Come, Let Us Sing
  • Psalm 96: Sing A New Song
  • Psalm 97: The Lord Reigns
  • Psalm 98: Oh, Sing A New Song
  • Psalm 99: The Lord Reigns
  • Psalm 100: God Is Good
  • Psalm 101: I Will Sing of Mercy and Justice
  • Psalm 102: Hear My Prayer, O Lord
  • Psalm 103: Bless the Lord, O My Soul
  • Psalm 104: How Manifold Are Your Works
  • Psalm 105: Make Known His Deeds
  • Psalm 106: Praise the Lord
  • Psalm 107: Give Thanks to the Lord
  • Psalm 108: My Heart Is Steadfast
  • Psalm 109: Do Not Keep Silent, O God
  • Psalm 110: The Lord Said To My Lord
  • Psalm 111: Praise The Lord!
  • Psalm 112: Blessed Is The Man Who Fears The Lord
  • Psalm 113: Praise the Name of the Lord
  • Psalm 114: When Israel Went Out
  • Psalm 115: To God Be The Glory
  • Psalm 116: I Love the Lord
  • Psalm 117: All You Gentiles!
  • Psalm 118: Oh, Give Thanks to the Lord
  • Psalm 119: Your Word is a Lamp
  • Psalm 120: I Cried to the Lord
  • Psalm 121: I Will Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills
  • Psalm 122: O Jerusalem!
  • Psalm 123: Unto You I Lift Up My Eyes
  • Psalm 124: The Lord Was On Our Side
  • Psalm 125: Like Mount Zion
  • Psalm 126: Like Those Who Dream
  • Psalm 127: Unless The Lord Builds the House
  • Psalm 128: Blessed Is Everyone Who Fears the Lord
  • Psalm 129: All Those Who Hate Zion
  • Psalm 130: Hear My Voice, O Lord
  • Psalm 131: Like a Weaned Child Is My Soul
  • Psalm 132: Lord, Remember David
  • Psalm 133: Running Down the Beard of Aaron
  • Psalm 134: Behold, Bless The Lord
  • Psalm 135: For I Know That the Lord is Great
  • Psalm 136: The Great Hallel
  • Psalm 137: By The Rivers of Babylon
  • Psalm 138: Great is the Glory
  • Psalm 139: He Knows Me
  • Psalm 140: Dwelling in Your Presence
  • Psalm 141: Make Haste to Me!
  • Psalm 142: I Cry Out to the Lord
  • Psalm 143: Hear My Prayer, O Lord
  • Psalm 144: Blessed Be The Lord My Rock
  • Psalm 145: I Will Extol You, My God
  • Psalm 146: O My Soul!
  • Psalm 147: The Lord Builds Up
  • Psalm 148: Praise Him
  • Psalm 149: A New Song
  • Psalm 150: Doxology

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