The Love Chapter Experiment
Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 1:16PM
Jeff Smith

The thirteenth chapter of Paul’s first Corinthian letter is sometimes called “The Love Chapter” by Bible commentators. In it, the inspired writer attempts to convey his understanding of love as God would want it–especially as it concerns man’s love for the people around him. Love for God is considered elsewhere and love for self is generally a problem because of surplus rather than shortage, but here we learn that love must be translated into affectionate action toward others if religion itself is to be worth anything at all. Jesus taught as much in the parable of the Good Samaritan when asked, “Who is my neighbor” in response to his command to love such a person as oneself. In making love practical and broad, Jesus commanded, “You go, and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). Love must be impartial and selfless, able to endure when others are behaving in an unlovable fashion so that love can be stronger than hate.

Table of Contents


  1. The Love Chapter Experiment (1): God Is Love, But What About Me?
  2. The Love Chapter Experiment (2): Love Your Family
  3. The Love Chapter Experiment (3): Love Your Neighbor
  4. The Love Chapter Experiment (4): Love Your Enemy


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